Start where you are

A mini message

This morning one of my first thoughts was “start where you are”. This is what I call a download, albeit small and cliche, a message from source, God, Spirit, my higher-self- whatever you connect with as your guide.

For me this message was about wanting to get up and stretch, but feeling too tired to get out of bed, until I realized stretching in the bed just made me want to lay down; so I moved to the floor and somehow that got me flowing. But back the the message, let's look at that first word: Start.

If you're like me, I don't like starting things before I know what I'm doing. Even the most mundane, menial tasks, I struggle to take that first step/make that first move. Don't get me wrong it's not because I don't want to do it (I mean, maybe a part of me doesnt). But I'll get in my head about it: “this will take too long” or “I'm tired”. To you they sound like excuses, to me they are valid and rational.

Until they're not. So instead of allowing my brain to go down that gravel road and get lost, I just Start. If I don't like it, I'll know pretty quickly and I /usually/ give myself the option to stop if its not for now. But for most tasks by the time I start moving into whatever I feel called to do, I am done before I can even “give up”.

What about that last part: “where you are”? This morning it was quite literal, on my bed. Where I wanted to stay but quickly realized it wasn't working for me to stay there and do what I felt I needed to do (stretch). Much like other areas of our lives we choose to be somewhere, and sooner or later we grow out of that space. Whether that's a town, a job, a relationship, clothes, etc. Taking account of what your current space (mental physical, emotional, spiritual) looks like gives you the ability to see if whatever it is you're being called to do works in this space.

And honestly, I don't know if this message was about daily tasks or life altering decisions but you get to decide. What are you going to Start today?